Mountain Horizon
- Dimensions: 84 x 24 cm
- Weight: 6.6 kg
- Alignment: Landscape format
- Grain: Curved
- Mirror image: -
- Size category: S
- Topics: Merger , Mountains , Waves
- Product number: P0010441
This Steinbild has already found an owner.
„Mountain Horizon“ besticht durch seine starke wellenartige Strukturen in dezenten Blautönen, die aufgrund der damaligen Subduktion der pazifischen Platten zustande kamen. Der im STEINBILD „Mountain Horizon“ verarbeitete Quarzit entstand vor ca. 150 Mio. Jahren im Zeitalter des Pangäa.
History of origins
Each STEINBILD tells the probably oldest story in the world - our earth history

At the time when the natural stone of this STEINBILD was formed, mountain building took place around the Pacific Ocean. Subduction of the Pacific plates started the unfolding of the Andes. Regression in Central Europe due to the recession of the sea. Pangaea finally broke apart.
The first flowering plants emerged and the high rainfall ensured expansion of the plant world. This created dense, lush tropical forests with more flowering plants. Due to the strong reef formation, hexacorals, mussels, crinoids and echinoderms appeared. In addition, the Archaeopteryx (prehistoric bird) is well developed with feathers and skeleton during this time.
150 million years
Rock age
Type of rock
Quartz, admixtures of colouring ores.
Main constituent